More than 15 years of successful work

More than 1000 posts and 200 mobile groups

7500 professionals

500 facilities of various degrees of complexity

19 thous. km of main oil and gas pipelines and water ducts

Exclusive right to use of rifled weapon

Certified management

Extensive network of regional subdivisions (14 branches)

Developed material and technical base

Home page

KMG-Security, LLP has a state license for all kinds of security services No. 001 256 and provides them in the following forms:

  • Ensuring the protection of the facilities of oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the organization of the security and protection of the facilities for gas production, storage and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, main pipelines and related infrastructure facilities);
  • Security of institutions, organizations, enterprises, trade and warehouse premises, offices, residential complexes, etc.;
  • Armed escort of inventory items and cargo throughout the territory of the Republic;
  • Organization and provision of complex security to the customer’s special events (conferences, presentations, exhibitions, confidential negotiations, competition and others);
  • Consulting and recommendations on security ways and lawful protection against illegal encroachments.

About company in details

We were entrusted to ensure their safety

Самрук Казына
"КазМунайГаз" Разведка и Добыча
АО "Интергаз Центральная Азия"
ТОО "Атырауский НПЗ"
ТОО «СП «Казгермунай»
ТОО «Казахстанско-Китайский трубопровод»
ТОО «ҚазМұнайГаз Өнімдері»
ТОО «Урал Ойл энд Газ»
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